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From the beginning our company developed lobbying  at higher levels of the Executive Branch, performing such activity with strict adherence to the law. Once the country’s political situation changed, LVII legislature (1997), our company was able to adapt to that new scenario, and as a result established a department specializing in lobbying before the Legislative Branch.

As an example we can say that our company is the first in the country to have documented,  proven results in the last few years. The archievement that we have participated in:

  • Amendment to  the Animal Sanitation Federal Act.
  • Amendment to the Metrology and Normalization Federal Act.
  • Proposal and the giving of reports to  both Congress and the Senate and the permanent committee, of several agreements on different dates.
  • Inclusion of a budgetary entry for $460’000,000.00 pesos in the Federal Government’s Expenditures 2003 Budget  (December 15, 2002).
  • Exclusion of the following products from transitory article 3 of the Income Tax Law: poultry pastes, sliced turkey and corn, which prevented  an over-quota importation tariff from being applied to these products. We also participated in several fiscal matters  and in the preparation  of said Income Law.
  • 2004, Exclusion of the proposal by the Federal Government to increase the IEPS from 50% to 56.7% to alcoholic drinks greater than 20ºG.L., avoiding that the national tequila industry be affected.
  • Deactivation of a right to import raw materials for the meat industry (CMC) approved unanimously in the House of Representatives and congealed in the Camera of Senators (2005)
  • Deactivation of the IEPS to soft drinks (2006) approved unanimously in the House of Representatives and rejected by the Senate.
  • Modification of the National Water Law in the House of Representatives (2207), to exempt the payment of Rights for water use to slaughter houses.
Our services are classified as: Preventive, when monitoring political initiatives or proposals that could affect our client’s interests; Reactive, consisting of lobbying in order to slow down or stop initiatives that contain violations of the Constitution, in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, which if approved would gravely affect our clients; and Proactive, where the objective is to protect the represented party’s interests by furthering lobbying and negotiations.

Lobbying - stages and strategies to develop:

  • Elaboration of projects of initiatives.
  • Legal sustenance and Consitutionality of the projects.
  • Studies and technical sustenance.
  • Elaboration of the exhibition of reasons.
  • Measurement of the regulatory impact.
  • Detection of initiatives that could affect.
  • Lobbying of prevention and deactivation in its case.
  • Consensuses in the managerial Private Initiative, Organizations and Chambers.
  • To lean on State Executives.
  • To lean and to press the dependencies of the Federal Executive.
  • Intensive lobbying with the legislators.
  • Use of mass media in its case.
  • Access and negotiation with political parties and power groups.
  • Negotiation and political sensitivity.
  • Negotiation with groups of the civil society.
  • Elaboration of lobbying strategies and communication.
  • Consideration of moments and politic, social and economic (international & national) conjunctures inclusively.
  • International treaty application and sustenance, regulations or practices to promote or to prevent some initiative.
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